
  • 自动体外除颤器 450
  • 自动体外除颤器 2,800
  • 自动体外除颤器 10,000
  • 加速至 100 公里/小时:5.6 秒
  • 功率:367马力
  • 最高时速:250公里



Extra Resource

د.إ 10 / Total
د.إ 50 /
د.إ 10 / Total
د.إ 30 / Total
د.إ / Total
  • 无押金
  • 可以租1天
  • 免费送货
  • 包含保险
  • 加速至 100 公里/小时:5.6 秒
  • 功率:367马力
  • 最高时速:250公里


从我们广泛的选择中进行选择 梅赛德斯-奔驰 E450 敞篷车 models, each fully equipped with advanced features and technology. Whether you’re in a city for work or leisure, smooth ride, spacious interior, advanced safety features of E-Class 450 4MATIC.

选择可靠的 天空奢华公司 提供具有竞争力的价格和灵活的租赁条款。各种敞篷车型,为真正非凡的迪拜体验做好准备。从 开始,分行取货是免费的。了解在您首选的日期或时间在您所在地或迪拜机场的可用性或交付。请向我们咨询。通过电话、WhatsApp 与我们联系或请求回电 +971586881586。

Why rent Convertible Mercedes AMG E450 in Dubai?

Our booking process is seamless with a friendly, knowledgeable staff ready to help you every step of the way. Our personalized service ensures your complete satisfaction, making us a perfect choice for a luxurious car hire in UAE.

1. 时尚奢华——敞篷车 E450 是一款真正令人惊叹的汽车,无论您走到阿联酋的任何地方,它都会引人注目。凭借其时尚现代的设计、豪华的皮革内饰、先进的技术功能,您会感觉自己像一位超级明星在城市中驾驶。

2. 舒适宽敞——无论您是独自旅行、情侣旅行还是与朋友一起旅行,德国敞篷车 E 级车都能为所有乘客提供充足的空间和舒适感。当您时尚地游览城市时,享受平稳的乘坐先进的悬挂系统。

3. 适合所有场合 – 无论您是探索城市的顶级旅游景点、庆祝特殊场合还是参加商务会议,德国敞篷车 E 都是所有场合的完美选择。它一定会给您的朋友、家人或商业伙伴留下深刻的印象。

4. 易于预订 – 阿联酋有许多公司提供敞篷车 E450。凭借具有竞争力的价格、灵活的租赁期、方便的接送地点,租用这款汽车既简单又无忧。

5. 畅快的驾驶体验——动力强劲的发动机,灵敏的加速,敞篷车E450为您带来畅快的驾驶体验。充分利用阿联酋美丽的道路,体验驾驶高性能汽车的快感。

Mercedes Convertible Rental in Dubai.



租用这辆令人惊叹的敞篷车只需 750 迪拉姆/天。享受极致的豪华驾驶体验。您的租赁费用包括基本综合保险,标准里程限制为 250 公里/天(每增加一公里需支付 5 迪拉姆的额外费用)。以及 3000 迪拉姆的保证金。每周 1750 公里 – 4200 迪拉姆。每月承诺 4500/公里 – 15000 迪拉姆

准备好预订了吗?立即联系 Sky Luxse 进行预订,体验阿联酋的终极豪华驾驶体验。

租赁梅赛德斯-奔驰 E 级敞篷车有什么要求?

Mercedes Convertible Rental - UAE

要租用 E 级敞篷车,驾驶员必须满足以下要求:年满 25 岁、拥有有效驾驶执照、使用主要信用卡。租赁费用和保证金在预订时收取,保证金根据车辆选择而有所不同。

一辆 E 级敞篷车可容纳多少名乘客?

奔驰 cabrio E 是一款豪华敞篷车,提供舒适、愉快的乘坐体验。该车以其优雅的设计、先进的技术、卓越的性能而闻名。如果您正在考虑租用或购买一辆敞篷车 E 450,您可能会遇到一个关于载客量的问题。


除了宽敞的乘客空间外,敞篷车还配备了皮革内饰、加热座椅、高级音响系统、可伸缩车顶等豪华功能。无论您是在高速公路上行驶还是在乡村欣赏风景,梅赛德斯-奔驰 E 450 敞篷车都一定会给您带来激动人心且难忘的体验。

总体而言,德国敞篷车 E 450 是一款出色的汽车,集时尚、性能和舒适于一体。凭借其宽敞的内部空间和顶级的功能,这款敞篷车是任何想要享受豪华和令人兴奋的旅程的人的绝佳选择。


Fuel Policy:

The vechicle must be returned with same fuel level as it was given to renter at time of car delivery. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a compensation fee. All fees must be settled before or upon returning a car.

Deposit Policy:

You can drive any car from our fleet for any rental period with a deposit. You will need to sign an agreement stating that you will be responsible for all charges during  rental period. This includes fines, salik, petrol fees, extra kilometers, vehicle damage, scratches, and smoking in vehicle. All applicable charges must be settled upon returning a car. Final invoice should be provided by Sky Luxse within 30 days after returning vehicle. If there are any charges not covered, they will be deducted from deposit.

Rental Policy:

If a vehicle rented on a weekly contract is returned during first week, it will be charged based on daily rate. Similarly, if a vehicle rented on a monthly basis is returned during a first month, it will be charged based on weekly rate. For immediate early contract termination without any advance notice, a one-day rental charge will apply.

Documents Required:
To rent a car across the Emirates, you need to have following documents valid:

For UAE Residents:
- UAE License
- Emirates ID (Residential Visa may be acceptable)

For Tourists visiting the UAE:
- Passport
- Visit Visa
- Home Country License
- International Permit (IDP)

Visitors from GCC, US, UK, Canada, Europe, and certain other countries can drive with their home country driving license, without a need for an IDP.

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