租赁保时捷 Boxster 718 阿联酋
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在迪拜租用保时捷 Boxster 718(白色)
在迪拜租赁白色保时捷 Boxster 718 体验无与伦比的优雅
下次访问迪拜时,租一辆白色保时捷 Boxster 718,踏入纯粹优雅和无与伦比性能的世界。无论您是来这座城市出差、休闲还是两者兼而有之,驾驶这款经典跑车无疑都会为您的旅程增添一丝精致和刺激。
当您乘坐这台精致的机器穿越充满活力的城市时,不要错过令人瞩目的机会。驾驶白色保时捷 Boxster 718 提升您的迪拜之旅,创造终生难忘的回忆!
下次访问迪拜时,租一辆白色保时捷 Boxster 718,踏入纯粹优雅和无与伦比性能的世界。无论您是来这座城市出差、休闲还是两者兼而有之,驾驶这款经典跑车无疑都会为您的旅程增添一丝精致和刺激。
保时捷 Boxster 718 是德国工程技术的缩影。其时尚的白色外观散发着优雅和品位,而其强大的涡轮增压四缸发动机则提供了无与伦比的令人兴奋的驾驶体验。这款跑车将速度、控制力和豪华感完美融合,无论您是在城市繁忙的道路上行驶,还是在宁静的高速公路上行驶,这款跑车都能为您带来惊心动魄的驾乘体验。内饰豪华舒适,采用高品质材料和先进技术,确保无缝、愉快的驾驶体验。敞篷设计让您沉浸在迪拜天际线中,真正拥抱露天驾驶的精髓。
迪拜拥有宏伟的建筑、世界一流的景点和全景道路,是一座最好驾驶保时捷 Boxster 718 等豪华跑车探索的城市。在这座耀眼的城市中漫步,在迪拜市中心的繁华地区展示您的风格,或沉浸在朱美拉海滩路的海岸美景中。 Boxster 718 凭借其动态性能和出色的操控性,必将为您带来难忘的驾驶体验。简化租车流程
在迪拜租用保时捷 Boxster 718 的过程简单、无忧。您需要年满 25 岁,持有有效的国际驾照(或阿联酋居民驾照),并且热爱奢华和冒险。上路之前,请务必了解租赁协议的所有条款和条件,包括有关里程、燃油和保险的政策。在出行前彻底检查汽车,确保其处于原始状态。
在迪拜租一辆白色保时捷 Boxster 718 提供了一个令人难以置信的机会,让您沉浸在奢华和性能的世界中。无论您是经验丰富的驾驶员还是豪华汽车爱好者,Boxster 718 都是增强您的迪拜体验的必由之路。当您乘坐这台精致的机器穿越充满活力的城市时,不要错过令人瞩目的机会。驾驶白色保时捷 Boxster 718 提升您的迪拜之旅,创造终生难忘的回忆!
Fuel Policy:
The vechicle must be returned with the same fuel level as it was given to renter at a time of car delivery. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a compensation fee. All fees must be settled before or upon returning a car.Deposit Policy:
You can drive any car from our fleet for any rental period with a deposit. You will need to sign an agreement stating that you will be responsible for all charges during rental period. This includes fines, salik, petrol fees, extra kilometers, vehicle damage, scratches, and smoking in vehicle. All applicable charges must be settled upon returning a car. Final invoice should be provided by Sky Luxse within 30 days after returning vehicle. If there are any charges not covered, they will be deducted from deposit.Rental Policy:
If a vehicle rented on a weekly contract is returned during first week, it will be charged based on daily rate. Similarly, if a vehicle rented on a monthly basis is returned during first month, it will be charged based on weekly rate. For immediate early contract termination without any advance notice, a one-day rental charge will apply.Documents Required:
To rent a car across Emirates, you need to have following documents valid:
For UAE Residents:
- UAE Driving License
- Emirates ID (Residential Visa may be acceptable)
For Tourists visiting the UAE:
- Passport
- Visit Visa
- Home Country License
- International Permit (IDP)
Visitors from GCC, US, UK, Canada, Europe, and certain other countries can drive with their home country license, without the need for an IDP.